Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Check this out

So i was reading up on loc extensions and I found this looks good.

Man that was fast

So in styling my hair I can already tell that I am going to have to do a re-ti very soon. Not gonna be able to wait 4 weeks. But its cool. I did a braid out. Its ok but it kinda looks like my natural free style so I think i may leave the braid out look alone. What do you think?





Friday, June 12, 2009

Just Ramblin’ bout hair

I am so excited about getting my cousin to help me with the back of my hair it’s gonna be great. It looks fine now but I know as it grows I will most likely have joined locs so I gonna use her as a second set of eyes. Also Cousin is a SAHM and does hair from home to help the hubby with the bills so she will be helping me but I will be teaching her all that I have learned and I know she will soak it up perfect her skills and then offer locking along with her long list of hair services. Last night I twisted bantu knots into my hair and took them down this morning. I am debating as to whether or not I will post pix. It’s nothing special really just a lot of curls. Looks kinda like a soft set. I have to admit I am having fun trying new styles. Today I have just enough hair to put into a short curly pony ‘puff’ …lol we will see what it looks like as time goes on. I also enjoy that fact that my hair looks tamed. In the past after a wash my hair looked great for may be 2 days but as each day passed it got bigger and bigger so I had to wash it a lot when ever I wanted to go for the tamed look.
Well here’s to Lockin’ Up

Update here are some pix:

Here are my bantu knots before bed



And here they are down and ready for work



Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back to work

So being the DIYer girl I am and trying to be cute and vain i decided to leave the ends of my locs two strand twisted...although very cute for now i have come to realize that my hair will not stay twisted. It likes to be free and i know that over time it will create a problem so i am just going to braid the ends... I will post pix much later because I have too much going on to focus on braiding 300+ loose ends...


While watching T.V. I worked on the front of my hair...Still have a long way to go. I have decided to ask my cousin to be the eyes in the back of my head. My locs will look great when I am done...when ever that will be. I was born a DIYer and will always be. Growing up i taught myself how to skate, ride a bike, and do my own hair. I never liked to wait for other people to help me unless it was something i did not care to know how to do. Even to this day i believe I am more handy with a screwdriver than my hubby here is the first shot


Here is a shot of me at work...this is what I do all no really I work at a University and its really slow during the summer..


I will keep you posted

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Hard time using NL tool???

I had a hard time when I first tried to insert my hair through thee eye of the Nappyloc tool because my hair is so curly. But after a few tries I came up with an idea. Try this if you find youeself dealing with the same problem. I loosely tied a rubber band around the end of my loc and inserted the rubber band through the eye of the tool pulling my hair through the eye also. Very simple.

Monday, June 8, 2009


OMG!!! It took so long for me to tighten my locs... but they look great. I can't wait to see how my hair changes over time. I would post pix but i left my camera cord at work over the weekend so I will do it tomorrow. Now I have to find some styles I can do with my hair. Its about 6 inches long or so and very curly. After washing my hair locks like little ringlets. Well check back tomorrow afternoon and I should have added some pix by then.


I dont know if you can tell but my parts are not all neat for two reasons, 1) i am not a fan of parts so neat one can see my skin and 2) this was a DYI (you get my point)


I know it may not be recomended but I washed after tightening...i think my hair looks better with the tighter curls


starting to dry



Playing around with some styles


SIde view of loc hawk

ready for work


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Nappylocs tool!!

I got my nappylocs tool today yaaaahhhhh!!!! I am so excited. I finished tighting up the back of my hair may be by the end of the weekend I will have it all finished. So far its looking really good. I will post some pix as soon as I am done. Wish me luck.

Friday, June 5, 2009

new color

So I decided to make the twist in the front smaller. I think the locs will turn out really nice that size. Then I colored them a reddish color. I loved how the water made my hair curl up so tight. Now that my hair is dry it no longer looks like twist it just looks like ringlets of hair.

new color

The Beginning

So I decided that I wanted to make a change with my hair. I have been natural off and on for the past 6 years now and am ready to let my hair grow to its fullest potential. I figured the best and way to go would be to Loc It Up. So I decided to do research on different styles of locs and techniques. I liked various aspects of different styles and techniques and decided to combine two. I wanted really thin locs so I installed tiny two strand twist in my hair. The plan is to maintain the locs with the NappyLocs tool. I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me. I will add new pictures as my locs grow and my hair changes.

two strand twist