Friday, June 12, 2009

Just Ramblin’ bout hair

I am so excited about getting my cousin to help me with the back of my hair it’s gonna be great. It looks fine now but I know as it grows I will most likely have joined locs so I gonna use her as a second set of eyes. Also Cousin is a SAHM and does hair from home to help the hubby with the bills so she will be helping me but I will be teaching her all that I have learned and I know she will soak it up perfect her skills and then offer locking along with her long list of hair services. Last night I twisted bantu knots into my hair and took them down this morning. I am debating as to whether or not I will post pix. It’s nothing special really just a lot of curls. Looks kinda like a soft set. I have to admit I am having fun trying new styles. Today I have just enough hair to put into a short curly pony ‘puff’ …lol we will see what it looks like as time goes on. I also enjoy that fact that my hair looks tamed. In the past after a wash my hair looked great for may be 2 days but as each day passed it got bigger and bigger so I had to wash it a lot when ever I wanted to go for the tamed look.
Well here’s to Lockin’ Up

Update here are some pix:

Here are my bantu knots before bed



And here they are down and ready for work



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