Friday, July 3, 2009

First Re-ti

Here are pix of my first full re-ti. It took about 6 hours. I had my cousin do it this time but I think I will do it next time. I need to get used to doing my whole head myself.


I cant wait to see how my hair changes over the years.


  1. looks good I hope your DIY works for you I gave it up after one try to time consuming, and aint that shrinkage someting else I had that for almost a year

  2. looks good! i hear ya about re-ti. i just did my 2nd one a week or so ago & it took 3-4 days. i've learned to be patient & pace myself. since i wasn't able to complete the re-ti over the course of a weekend, i wore a headwrap to work & re-ti'ed on my lunch my car. i go nowhere w/o my nappyloc tool...LOL

  3. LOL...You sound like me. I have a cute little pencil case that i keep my NL tool and all my clips in.
