Monday, July 21, 2014

I Am Sisterlocked!

On Friday evening at 7:30 my first baby lock was born and in Sunday July 20, 2014 the last one emerged! I am so excited to be on this journey. I will post some pix below. 
The very front SLs are micro because my hair is so short and fine. 
As you can see from the side I have a tapered cut so my locks stop about an inch above my ear.

It's really hard to tell here because my hair is so curly but there is about 2 inches of unlocked hair at the bottom. 
The locks in the back are small-medium.

I'm happy with the results and I love that my hair is not too fine it has a some what full look considering the fact that they are only 1 day old! 

I don't know how many locks I have yet because I have not counted. In 4 weeks I'll go back for my retightening and my shorter hairs will be locked at that time. My short hairs are about 1 1/3 inch long so over the next 4 weeks my hair should grow about 1/2 an inch and it should be long enough to get locked at that time. 

If you were wondering why did I have my Sisterlocks installed if all my hair was not long enough. Well that's simple! I'm a teacher and school is about to start back very soon and I did not schedule my full installation around the beginning of the school year. The amount of time it takes to do a install was too much of a commitment during the time a back to school, classroom setup, professional development, open house and parent teacher conferences. I feel like I can safely block off 6-8 hours for a retightening and partial installation but not 20-30 hours for a full install. I'll be checking in again in about 2 weeks or so when I do my first wash. Thanks for checking out my blog!

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