Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Its a life style change

This picture was taken Christmas 2011 it’s one of the few full body shots I could find on my phone. I hate taking full body or even half body shots because of all the weight I have put on over the years. Year after year, month after month, week after week weight loss is on my mind but I’m always getting stuck. IF money is not an issue then time is. But I have had a wakeup call. In 2010 about one month before I found out I was pregnant my DH and I got a life insurance policy. It is so important for me to keep this policy I have let my cable and cell phone get cut off but I will not let this policy laps. Why? Because if something ever happens to me or DH I want that safety net in place. It’s enough money to pay cash for a home and even have extra to invest or go to school. So if it’s so important for that policy to be in place to have money to take care of our son in the event of a tragedy then I need to think the same way about my health and fitness goals. I would rather pay for a gym or Weight Watchers membership than have cable. And health food could be affordable if I stop eating out all the time. My husband and I spend at least $15 every time we hit the drive thru, and now out little one is eating table food so that’s and extra $3. It’s starting to be just as costly to eat crappie as it cost to eat right so now I just have to take the time to plan our meals and daily activities. I look forward to blogging about this journey and I hope you come back to read my updated. I have so much going on right now. I’m a wife, a mother of 1, and now DH and I are working on a small business project in addition to working fulltime as the graphic designer(s) for a local funeral home. I have determined that no matter how great the demand is on my I have to carve out some time to work on me. I work at a funeral home for Gods sake!!! I don’t work with the bodies bet I help do the graphics for all the people that pass through out back door. I know that there are 1001 ways to die but I just don’t want to die by the food I eat or the potato sitting on the couch! Currently I’m a member of WW online and work out at a gym for 30 minutes 3 days a week but I’m bumping it up on pay day I’m ordering P90X. I’m assuming that August 1, will be the start on my 90 day journey but that depends on how long the shipping takes. I’m doing things one step at a time and plan on having challenges along the way. Currently I’m drinking about 2 Cherry Coke Zeros a day but I’m working on drinking more water and moving down to 1 soda a day. So join me on this journey called life!

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